Text Messaging

Safety & Security

February 2, 2024

At PeoplesBank, we prioritize the security of your financial information and want to keep you informed about potential threats that may affect you. In recent times, scammers have become more sophisticated in exploiting significant events, and our upcoming merger announcement with Orrstown Bank provides them with an opportunity to target unsuspecting clients.

The Merger Announcement and Scam Alert

As we move forward with our exciting merger, it has come to our attention that malicious individuals are attempting to capitalize on this transition by launching text messaging scams. These scams typically involve fraudulent messages that mimic official communications about the merger, tricking clients into divulging sensitive information or taking actions that could compromise their financial security.

Recognizing Suspicious Communications

It is crucial for you to remain vigilant and be aware of potential scams related to the merger. Here are key points to keep in mind:

  1. Increased Suspicious Contacts: Be cautious of any unsolicited phone calls, emails, or text messages claiming to be from PeoplesBank or Orrstown Bank. Scammers may attempt to impersonate our institutions to deceive you.
  2. Heightened Awareness: Exercise heightened awareness when receiving communications from the bank, especially if you are asked to take specific actions, such as providing account information, clicking on links in emails or text messages, or transferring funds.
  3. Verify the Source: If you receive a message that seems suspicious, independently verify its legitimacy by contacting PeoplesBank directly through our official channels. Do not use contact information provided in the suspicious message, as it may lead you to the scammer.


Protecting Yourself from Scams

To ensure the security of your financial information during this merger period, consider the following precautions:

  1. Do Not Share Sensitive Information: Avoid sharing personal or financial information with anyone through unsolicited calls, emails, or text messages.
  2. Use Official Channels: Verify any communication related to the merger by contacting PeoplesBank directly through our official website, phone number, or in-person at our Financial Centers.
  3. Keep Software Updated: Ensure that your devices and security software are up-to-date to protect against potential vulnerabilities.
  4. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about common scam tactics and be wary of any communication that creates a sense of urgency or pressure.

By staying vigilant and taking these precautionary measures, you can safeguard your financial well-being during this exciting but potentially risky period. PeoplesBank is committed to providing you with a secure banking experience, and we appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain the integrity of our services.

If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Client Care team at clientcare@peoplesbanknet.com or (717)846-1970. Together, we can protect your financial interests and ensure a smooth transition through this merger.


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